In this activity (from the Cartesian Connections unit) you will compose a function on a number line, as you have already done. But this time you will display the dependent variable on its own number line to make it easier to compare the motion of the two variables. We will call the two number lines the input axis and the output axis.
Download the student worksheet.
Step 2
Step 4
Step 6
Step 10
Play the Dynagraph Game.
Movie Trailer
The term dynagraph was coined by Paul Goldenberg, Philip Lewis, and James O’Keefe in their study “Dynamic Representation and the Development of a Process Understanding of Functions” published by Education Development Center, Inc., and supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
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Update History:
16 January 2017: Fixed the step numbers for two videos, refined some worksheet language, and modified the Translate icon.